Monday, January 26, 2009

Our kids :-)

James has memorized the entire Dr. Seuss book "The Lorax". He stumbles on a word here or there, but for the most part, he knows the whole thing. He likes to "read" it to us. It's so cute to hear him use the different voices like I do when I read it to him. I've attached a video of his musical rendition of "The Lorax" at the end of this post.
He is growing into such a big kid, both in size and skill. Today was laundry day for us and I washed all the sheets. I had put one blanket back on his bed for naps, but I didn't put on the second one because it was warm enough in his room without it. Tonight, he asked me to get down his other blanket and while I was putting Gabby to bed, he made his bed. He was sooooo proud of himself! He had an ear to ear grin and he asked me if we could add making his bed to his chore chart on laundry day :-).
Gabby has grown several inches this past week. She has completely grown out of her size 3T clothes. I actually thought I must have accidentally left some 2T clothes in her drawer when she put her pajamas on the other day, but no. They were 3T. She just REALLY grew. Her dresses have become mini-skirts. Thankfully, God has taken care of us once again and the neighbor gave us bags of 4T clothes that her daughter just outgrew, so no clothing issues there.
Not only has Gabby grown physically, she has also gained new skills. She LOVES to draw, so I didn't think much of  it when I saw her drawing this morning, until I noticed that she had drawn people, heads, body, arms and legs! And then this afternoon, she drew a heart. Last I knew, she was drawing circles and squiggles.
She may be growing faster than a bad weed, but she definitely has not outgrown her princessness. She informed me this morning that she wasn't pretending princess today. She was a REAL princess and that she and Wawa (her most faithful imaginary friend/sister) were going to be playing in their castle and she proceeded to her room and did just that :-).
Here's Gabby in all her cuteness: 

And James and "The Lorax":


Joellen Armstrong said...

Those are too funny. Looks like Gabby gets a bit camera shy huh? So adorable!!!

Bethany said...

Too cute! Look how big they got! You can sent Gabbys clothes our way! Kalea is a 2t-3t!!

Nana said...

Too, too, too cute! Love hearing James sing, and my, but isn't Gabby lovely? She looked so chic in her hat and sunglasses!
Nana and Papa miss you guys!

Jenn said...

Ah, so CUTE! Makes me ponder moving to California ... except for the whole moving issue ... and the job issue ... sigh ...