Thursday, January 15, 2009

Herring Update?

There really isn't anything new going on here, but I thought I should give you all something to read anyway, since it has been over a week :-).
A cute story. James and Gabby were having lunch today before we had to leave to take James to preschool. I gave them their lunch and a salad fork. James picks up his fork, looks at it and says: "Mom, did you give me a kiddo fork? I need a grown up fork!" Gabby says: "I need a grown up fork too!" James: "Gabby, are you trying to be like me?" Gabby, in her cute little sweet voice: "No, James! I'm gwown up!"
My cousin Adam and his fiancee set a day for their wedding for May 30th, so it looks like the kids and I will be coming for an Oregon visit late May, early June! I can't wait to see everyone again, and especially to meet my new niece, who is due May 13th.
Let's see. Other news. Umm, pretty much the same old same old. I've been working hard to get the word out about my cake decorating classes. Michaels now has a 4 student minimum policy, so if I don't have at least 4 people signed up for a class, I have to cancel it. I'm hitting all the free outlets I can think of to advertise (craigslist, myspace, facebook, etc). We'll see what happens. I have to say though that getting all of the supplies I'm going to need at 75% off is SWEEEET! I had to buy a bunch of stuff to be able to teach the classes, but the nice thing is all of the demos I will be doing in January will cover the cost of that, so that even if I don't end up with any classes (not likely) I will still have a bunch of cool toys without having had to touch the "family" money *big grin*.
The weather here has been heavenly this week. Sunshine and 60s all week. I love the fact that our heater doesn't have to run at all during the day and that the kids and I can go to the park and not freeze our booties off.
Jp received a letter from Brendan yesterday and he cherishes that thing like it's gold. As a matter of fact, he's sleeping with it right now :-).

1 comment:

Nana said...

Gabby is gwown up - JP is gwown up, and Benji, not to be left out, informed me this week he not only wanted a grown-up fork, he wanted a big plate for his dinner since he was gwown up! How does this happen? They were born just last week...

Glad to hear we may have you all up for a visit in late spring. Please bring some of that great weather with you!