Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Does God heal cars?

A couple months ago, Jason informed me that the tires on our van were starting to look warn and that we would need to set some $$ aside to get new tires. We have not bought new tires since we bought the van in 2006 and have made a couple long trips in it, so we figured we were due. We set aside $400, then I made an appointment with Les Schwab in Manteca, near my work. I took the van in and was told that the tires looked fine but the van needed to be aligned. I didn't have time to do it that day, so I left. Life happened. I got busy and finally asked Jason to call while I was at work and schedule an alignment for this week. He did, but at a different Les Schwab, about the same distance from our house. I went in this morning with the kids, ready to hand over a couple hundred dollars, only to find out that they only charge $80 for an alignment. SWEET!! I thought to myself. We waited for about 15 minutes or so and get the royal treatment: candy for the kids, popcorn (of course!), coloring books, crayons, etc and then the guy comes back and asked me why I thought the van needed to be aligned. Um, because the guy in Manteca told me it needed to. He asked me if the car has been acting any differently and I said no. He told me he test drove it and it drove fine and the tires have no wear on them (WHAT?! Ok. Sounds good to me. And yes, he did have the right van :-).) They checked it over just in case, but didn't need to align it and didn't charge us a thing. Off I went down the road for an oil change at a place Schwabs recommended and ended up paying 1/2 of what the dealership charges and didn't get pressured into anything or slimmed. Great morning, and we will be customers of Riverbank Les Schwab for life! Or at least until we move again :-).


Katie said...

God DEFINITELY heals cars! I'm so glad to hear how things turned out with the car. Isn't it great to know that we're well cared for?

Nana said...

Maybe He didn't heal the car, but perhaps He did direct you to an honest person! Glad to hear that everything worked out!