Monday, December 29, 2008

Anyone want to visit?

Just had to pop in and let you guys know that Southwest is running a $49 special through March 11th on airfare.  So if any of you have been dying to visit us ;), you can now do it at a discount :D. You just have to book it at least 14 days before your trip. Anyone? Anyone?
Wait a minute! Who says I'm lonely?...


Nana said...

Yes! We want to visit, but are trying to figure out just when. Now, I know you were hoping for many sisters and best friends to visit, but you may have to make do with Nana and Papa, who really miss you, too!

Joellen Armstrong said...

You're funny... are you sure you want a 10 month old and a prego staying at your house? :-)

The Herring Family said...

Nana and Papa will do just fine!!!! We can't wait to see you guys, whenever it works out for you.
And Jo, I would LOVE to spend time with my nephew that I barely know *sniff* and dote on my sister in law and I promise I wouldn't make you watch my sick kids while I go to work, like I did to Mary when she was battling morning sickness (still not sure where my brain, or my heart went that week. Sorry, Mary :(.) Oh, and I'm sure Gabby would love to "help" you with Asher. She loves babies and comes running whenever I open your blog to see pictures of "baby Asher".