Sunday, May 18, 2008

A quick update

Just wanted to pop in for a quick update. I have a lot to do tonight, so I don't have time to post pictures and such, but I didn't want to deprive you of juicy Herring news, since it's been over a week, after all :-).
Mom came for a visit last week. A Mother's day gift from Dad. It was soooo nice to have her around. The kids loved having a live-in playmate and I enjoyed the company. Thanks Dad!
Mom went home Saturday. I left the kids with Jason and dropped her off at the airport. After that, I headed to the mall and spent over 3 hrs shopping for summer clothes. Jeans and 106 degree weather don't mix, so I didn't feel like I had much of a choice. Those of you who know me know that I really don't like clothes shopping, but the Penneys in Sacramento had a lot of selection, so I was able to find a few things. I also got a new purse because even Jason told me that the purse I got for free on Freecycle was atrocious. I figure if my husband says that, it must be REALLY bad (it was. I was embarrassed to be seen in public with it). My new purse is cute and pink, like most of my new clothes. Not sure what my deal is with pink, but I'm really drawn to it lately.
After shopping, I decided to get my hair chopped. All these 100 degree + days made me realize that long hair is terribly over-rated, so my hair is now chopped just below my ears. Jp told me I look like Grandma :-). I'll try to post a picture later this week.
Well, gotta go. More later!


Oh, one quick thing. I decided to go ahead and apply for a Wilton Method Instructor position, which means I have A LOT of cake decorating practice to get in over the next few weeks to be good enough for the position when my instructor leaves in July. It's a long shot, but I've been thinking and praying about it a lot and I think it's what I'm supposed to do. You know when you keep trying to pray over and over: "Lord, please show me what you want me to do." And you can't get past the "Lord..." because the thought "I've already told you." keeps interrupting over and over and over. Hmm. Maybe that means I'm supposed to apply ;-). Now if only God would say: "You need to apply for the job on such and such a day in such and such a fashion and you will be hired (or not) on such and such a day at such and such a time and you will make this amount of money and you should spend it this way." *sigh*

1 comment:

Nana said...

Wow! The new you - dressed in pink, cute haircut, and instructing a cake decorating class!
Becca, you will be fabulous at it! I've watched you so many times demonstrating Tupperware, thinking "This girl should be a teacher." Now, you'll be one. You are a natural at it, and think of all the great (delicious) benefits! Plus, you'll probably never have to deal with rowdy 5th grade boys who hate school, or rowdy 6th grade boys who hate school, or rowdy - well, you get the idea.
I couldn't be happier for you!