Friday, August 29, 2008


Jp is growing up so fast! He starts preschool on Tuesday *sniff**sniff*. For some reason, this past week, it seems like he has aged overnight. He's been talking about more abstract things that I didn't realize he could comprehend.
The other day, we were sitting in the car talking about brothers for some reason. I told him I had two, uncle Matt and uncle Mark-married-to-aunt-Jojo (Sorry, Mark. You have a very long title because Jp has several "Uncle Mark"s). James said that Gabby only has one brother. I said: "Yeah, and you don't have any brothers." He replied back, "Well, if Sammy hadn't been born too early, I would have a brother. When you die and go to heaven Mommy, you won't be sad about Sammy anymore because you'll get to see him. He's up in heaven playing in the red car while he waits for me." The thing is, I haven't been torn up about Sammy (my October 2006 miscarriage) in a long time and we only talk about it every now and then. But in Jp's beautiful mind, Sammy is up in heaven, playing with Jesus and waiting for us.
Another concept he surprised me with the other day was when he told me that we live in a ball. Somehow he picked up on the whole "earth is round" thing. I have no idea where he's getting this information, but I love watching his understanding of the world grow. He didn't believe me when he asked what was in the middle of the ball and I told him fire though. He laughed and thought I was joking :-).
The last James story for the day happened this morning. He was sitting at the dining room table and yelled to me across the house: "Mommy, I won't ever smoke." Um, ok. "I'm glad to hear that, James." I replied. "I'm really, really glad to hear that. Why aren't you going to smoke?" "Because I want to see you longer, Mommy!"


Katie said...

Wow, isn't it amazing how their minds work? All I can say is keep giving those minds food for thought. I am constantly learning from the kids, mainly Stephen but Lizzie and Jaymes too on occasion. He will watch informational shows or read books or even the backs of boxes or pamphlets and explain all kinds of things to us. Glad to hear we have another active mind in the family :-)

Nana said...

James, what a wonderful, incredible young man you are! You re so ver grown up to understand so many things!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.