Friday, March 14, 2008

A fun filled day!

What a day we had yesterday! It was so much fun! The kids and I started off the day with story time at the library and Jp made a friend! It was very heartwarming to watch. We got to the library early and while we were waiting for the doors to open, another little boy walked up. Cute as a button. Curly blond hair and FULL of energy. He and Jp hit it off. When the doors finally opened, they grabbed each others hand and walked into the library. They sat together during story time and Jp actually participated :-). He sat all the way in the front with his friend and occasionally throughout story time, one or the other would put his arm around the other one :-). Gabby clung to me for a bit, then she jumped right in too. I LOVE story time. The kids just eat it up. Unfortunately, next week is the last one until May :-(. We might have to drive into Modesto, but it's not the same lady who does it there. I really like our "story lady". She reminds me a lot of Judy. Maybe that's why the kids like her so much :).
After story time, we made our way to the park for an easter egg hunt and potluck with our Moms' Club. It was a lot of fun and I'm so bummed I forgot my camera. Gabby discovered the joy of having to share her bike and I realized that my children need more socialization. She completely fell apart when a little boy got on her bike. Normal kid behavior I guess, but she was REALLY upset. Jp biked around like a pro. He's getting really good on his bike. I think we'll be taking the training wheels off soon :).
Last night, I took my neighbor to a Kings/Blazers game at the Arco Arena. Jenny Fancher had given me the tickets for my birthday (thanks Jenny!) and we had a blast. We did realize, however, that we have turned into those "old ladies". We had a bunch of teens in front of us and they were sooo obnoxious. Several times we almost grabbed their noise makers and told them to knock it off, but we didn't want to be labelled as the crusty old ladies that the swarm of teens would find pleasure in tormenting, so we let it be :-). 
Elizabeth (my neighbor) and I have a lot in common. Eerily so sometimes, down to what we like to eat. If she wasn't several years older and from a different family, we could be twins :-). We didn't realize this at the time, but our husbands even got together while we were gone. Jason and the kids went over to their house (three houses down) and had hot dogs and played. The kids really like having a friend so close and I don't mind it myself ;-).
Well, I should probably go get dressed and officially start this day.



Mark Armstrong said...

Hey Becca,

Sounds like you guys are starting to get settled in. That's super encouraging to hear! We've been enjoying your blog and it kind of makes it feel like you guys aren't quite so far away. Asher sends his love :)

The Herring Family said...

*sniff* Send him our love back! I can't wait to see the "little" guy and I'm so glad to hear Jo is healing well.

Nana said...

Oh Becca, I'm so glad you've found a nearby friend! It makes things so much more fun.
I have lots of trouble with obnoxious kids - there have been times Wayne and I have left restaurants because it is just too much like being in the classroom - rude and obnoxious is only cute if you are the same age as those practicing their rude skills.
Crusty Nana