Thursday, March 6, 2008

well, negotiating is over for the week.  I am exhausted... so is Becca... so are the kids...  it will be nice to have a normal routine again for a while....

And tomorrow is Friday!  Yeah!  I just have to get through tomorrow....  Don't get me wrong... my motivation for work comes from having left a 12 year career and sheer determination to make this new one work...  

but I am enjoying the  job... i'm learning everyday and that's what I wasn't doing anymore working on the bus...  you know... the bus.. taxi... ambucab... call it what you will...

The frustrating part is that Yosemite is calling my name... winter, no crowds.. but this weekend I don't dare leave home... after being gone all week Becca would kill me....  It will still be there next weekend....  I can go then....

TGIF... that's all the motivation I need....


1 comment:

Nana said...

Here's hoping the end of Friday is exactly what you've been looking for all week!
Your father taught me a game to play on those really rough weeks when we were teaching. Monday - "I can make it through today." Tuesday - "It's a 4 day week now, I can do that!" Wednesday - "A 3 day week - anyone can make it through!" Thursday - "Out of the next 4 days, I work only half of them." Friday - "Just wait for those buses at the end of the day."

Somehow we never made up games to make it through the weekends! I love Saturday night - it's the absolute middle of the weekend, no stress, no worries.

Hope you enjoy your weekend!