Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Trip to Yosemite....

So I got to go to Yosemite today...

Here's a great picture of Tunnel View

And Here's a cute shot of the little chapel

I got up at 3am, packed my things in the car, and left for the 90 minute drive to Yosemite Valley.  I was excited and ready to go.  A few miles from home, my seat in the 10 year old car I drive suddenly lurched backwards.  Well, the vertical part did.  The horizontal seat cushion part didn't.  The rest of the seat just reclined.  After stopping, catching my breath, and looking at the seat, I drove home being unable to fix it.  I drove home and went to bed.

This morning when I woke up, I went out and looked at it in daylight.  The seat appeared to have lost the ability to stay upright.  So I took it to the dealership this morning...

btw:  quite an experience driving in a car with a bucket seat without back support.  You have to pull on the steering wheel to stay upright.

The dealership called about 3pm.  Total for a new seat (unrepairable) and the scheduled oil change = $492.


I'm seriously considering a new hobby...

And there goes spending money for awhile....

And I really do want to swing a large hammer at my head....

My Karma ran over my Dogma.....

I don't know... but I know that I don't know... you know?

1 comment:

Nana said...

So sorry your car decided you didn't need to go to Yosemite, Jason. It's amazing how inanimate objects can determine if you've put a little money away for something fun. Inevitably something (or often 3 somethings) will decide to break. I remember one week when the dishwasher broke, the lawnmower quit, the tape deck decided to no longer open, and the washer leaked. Here's hoping nothing else in your house decides to surprise you!
Happy Easter!