Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I spoke to my boss this morning and she is willing to let me take a weekend off during the month of December so that we can stay in Oregon a bit longer and actually attend the extended Armstrong family Christmas party. Please pray, though, that nothing will change that because she is known to say things and then her boss steps in and changes them. Officially, I am not allowed to request any time off during November and December. As of right now, I am the only trained lead. The other one stepped down and a new one has yet to be trained. If the new lead doesn't work out, it will cause a major problem with me leaving over a weekend because Freda (my boss) will have no one to work on her days off. So please pray that it will all work out. I miss you all fiercely and would love to be able to come up for a bit longer of a trip.

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