Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More prayers needed

My boss' boss informed me this morning that the only way she will allow me to go to Oregon in December is if I resign. I am angry and frustrated. This was the final straw for me and I'm ready to quit my job, but I don't want to do something just because I'm angry. We definitely need to change something. I'm exhausted. Jason is exhausted and Gabby complains on a regular basis when I have to work. Please pray for guidance and peace for us in this.


Bethany said...

Hello? Hello! This is your other half of your brain calling. I say get a margarita, give your family a hug, and then tell your job to take a hike. You are too stressed and our "brains" just can't take it! =) (hugs!)

The Herring Family said...

hehe! Beth you crack me up! Thanks for the laugh :)