Monday, November 17, 2008

In need of some prayers today

What a weekend! On Friday, my boss went to work with a sore toe. She had kicked her bedpost while making her bed and was quite sore. She hobbled around throughout the day (crazy day, too!), but when a Costco member hit her in the same foot with a shopping cart, the pain became more than she could handle. She called in sick for the next day and set off for the emergency room to have her toe looked at. While there, they took her blood pressure and it was through the roof. They told her that she was a walking heart attack and admitted her! Thank goodness for the broken toe!
I worked her shift Saturday, then went to see her at the hospital after work. Yesterday, the other lead was one, but I still put in 4 hrs as a breaker and 4 as "help" time (basically doing lead stuff without getting lead pay, since we can only have one lead on at a time. The pay difference is only $1 an hour, so that part doesn't really bother me). My boss had tests done on her heart yesterday morning and it looks like she is going to need a pacemaker, which her father and brother already have. She's very scared and doesn't want to talk about it. My heart breaks for her. She already had so much on her plate (rocky marriage, housing situation, work pressure, etc) and now this. As of right now, we're planning on her being out for a week, but the doctor told her she has to wear the walking cast for 4 to 5 weeks and she can't work with an open-toed shoe, so she would have to find a way to cover up the huge cast, not to mention the whole "heart" situation.
She's planning on coming into work tomorrow (yes. It honestly is no surprise that she has heart problems, with the crazy life she lives) to show me how to do all the paperwork, since Tuesdays are the days when everything gets set up for the week, as well as payday, and I've never done any of that. However, I couldn't get ahold of her yesterday and I'm not sure when her pacemaker will be put in, or even if the doctor will let her go. She may be walking me through it from her hospital bed, crazy woman!
Now for the prayer requests:
1. Please pray that God will use this time in Freda's life to bring her to Him. There is so much pain in that little heart of hers and she desperately needs His healing, both physically and spiritually.
2. Pray for peace for me as my schedule is being completely messed up. I don't adapt well to change and struggling with childcare and the like is also frustrating. I'm also feeling very overwhelmed by the responsibilities that have been thrown on me. We just hired 13 new people who have been trained, but have yet to work a shift on the floor. I know how to run the show for 2 to 3 days at a time, but not an entire week or more. Adrienne (Freda's boss) may very well assign another supervisor to us, which brings up a whole other set of issues.
3. Please pray that we will still be able to make it up to Oregon. We already reserved the hotel rooms and I don't think we can get refunded should the trip fall through. The only reason we were able to come up in the first place is because Freda was willing to work with me. If we end up with another supervisor, or if Adrienne wants me to take over while Freda is out, I may not be able to get the time off work :-(.

One last thing to pray about for now. Jason's co-worker Dari, the man who graciously invited us to spend Thanksgiving with him and his wife, is in the hospital with "chest pain and over 12 hrs of vomiting" which Jason said is indicative of a heart attack. YIKES!


Randy said...

We're standing with you in prayer. Hang in there!

Nana said...

Prayers, and hopes for miracles headed your way.
It will all work out, somehow, and good will come of it.