Saturday, March 29, 2008

Brewers' visit - Part 1

The Brewers are here for a few days. They arrived on Thursday, minus Mark, who was too sick to travel :-(. Kaitlyn's two friends Shawnee and Dakota came too, so we have a houseful (full of fun, that is ;-)). They arrived late Thursday evening and after socializing a bit, we set up beds everywhere and crashed. Well, except the girls. Jason took them to get some movies and they stayed up and watched a couple. Poor Jenn didn't sleep well that night because she was too cold (gotta love air mattresses. They don't retain body heat well, but a sleeping bag fixed that the next night. Sorry Jenn :(.)
Friday, we all went to Boomers (our version of Bullwinkles) and had a really good time. Here are Jp and Alex on the Bumper Boats. Jp was just tall enough to drive his own and LOVED it! When we went back that evening (we had all day passes), Jp must have shrunk because they wouldn't let him drive anymore, but he got to be a driving "passenger" with Jenn. Funny how different staff members see the height requirements differently, although, to the guy's credit, Jp was standing really straight against the wall in the morning and slouching in the evening.

Like I mentioned, Jenn rode with Jp when we went back in the evening. It was quite a funny site, though. It had cooled down, and in my boring adult opinion was too cold to get wet, but Jenn borrowed my jacket, zipped it up and put on her hood haha. It was sooo funny to see her huddled in the bumper boat where the whole idea is to get wet, trying to stay dry. She did not succeed. Even with the hood, her hair was soaked by the time they were done, but it did seem like a good time was had by all :-).

Gabby had a tougher time with Boomers. She's too short for everything except the kids fun land (McDonalds type play structure, only shorter) and miniture golf. In the picture below, Jason is trying to comfort her. The boys and I went on the Bumper Boats as soon as we got to Boomers and Gabby and Jenn went to the side to watch, with Gabby's full support, we thought. I got out in the middle of the "pond" and Gabby started SCREAMING! Boy, was she mad! From her two year old perspective, this was just not right and I sincerely wished I had known it would upset her that much because I wouldn't have gone out there in front of her like that, but there wasn't much I could do since our round had already started.

The gang just got home. Will post more later.


1 comment:

Nana said...

Gabby girl, I think those height requirements are just silly!
It looks like you guys had a great time - so sorry Mark wasn't able to make the trip - but I'm glad that the rest of the family made it there! I wish *I* could be there!