Monday, March 24, 2008

A little comedy

Having two children whose vocabulary is increasing leaps and bounds on a daily basis can sometimes be very amusing. As they try out their new words, the result can be quite funny. I just finished putting Gabby to bed. She was exhausted, since she has skipped her nap for who knows how many days now (I've lost count, but not hope :-)). I laid her in her bed and she tried to peel her eyes open. She said: "I'm not tired. I'm not tired. I'm just old and nasty."
Jp was exhausted too but he didn't come up with anything funny, just sobs, poor guy :-(. Negotiating week is hard on everyone. Jason gets up and leaves so early and the kids want to see him, so they get up too, and then he doesn't get home until really late and again, both he and the kids want to see each other, so bedtime routine is pushed back. During these times, I try really hard to remember that negotiations are not the norm because, otherwise ... Thankfully, Jason only has to negotiate three days this week. It's a little harder this time because the kids and I are stranded without a car, since Jason's is in the shop and he needs the van to drive to negotiations. Again, a second car is one of the things we don't realize how lucky we are to have until we go without for awhile. Thankfully, we should have his car back by Thursday.
Well, I finally have some kid-free time after a very long day. I should probably go make good use of it. I miss you all!


BTW, I changed the security settings on the blog (thanks, Mark, for letting me know you could even do that), so those of you who have tried to comment before, but couldn't, should be able to do so now.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Well, Gabby, I'm not tired either - and you know the rest of the drill....
Becca, you've got the no-nap blues! It's nice sometimes when they are tired to let them just zone out for 30 minutes or so on a show they like to watch. I find myself zoning too, on those long, rainy Saturdays when we can't go outside to play and have already played every game I can think of!
Have some fun tomorrow - I wish we had your weather - and enjoy what you can!