Monday, March 3, 2008

Our new life in CA

Now that Jason has shown me how this whole blog thing works, I will do my best to keep you all up to date as much as possible.
Most of you have heard about our nightmare with the moving company. It took 3 weeks for us to get our stuff and when we got it, several pieces were broken. It was definitely a very frustrating way to start our life here, but it's over now and things are starting to feel normal. The moving company has disappeared from the face of the earth (thank you Wayne and Judy for trying to track them down for us). They are not returning emails or phone calls and one address they listed is a UPS mailbox and the other is a residence where no one answers the door. Oh, well. We have most of our stuff (and someone else's guitar) and I am ready to move on.
The kids and I signed up for Moms'  Club and are looking forward to meeting other people that way. They have all kinds of great activities planned: Tune Time, Easter Egg Hunt, Trip to the Jelly Belly Factory, etc. We also go to Story Time at the library every Thursday. The library is about 6 blocks from our house and Gabby LOVES story time. She stands up and stomps and turns with the best of them :-). Jp is a little more reluctant to go. Not sure why, but he does enjoy getting new books and movies every week, so we keep going.
We have found a wonderful church called Shelter Cove Community Church ( They just finished building a brand new church on an old golf course and are very loving and accepting. The pastor is an incredible, Bible based teacher who inspires us to get off our duffs and actually live for Jesus. It feels so good to be spiritually fed again. I didn't realize how hungry I had gotten over the past few years. Jason loves the church too. He attended the Men's Breakfast on Saturday and came home very moved. The church has really embraced us with open arms and we feel very at home there. Even the kids love it, which as all you moms know, is a HUGE plus. Being able to leave Gabby in the children's department and have her greet us with a smile when we pick her up is one of the best things in the world :-). Jason and I even sat in the middle of the row in church this week because we knew they weren't going to have to page us to come get her. Ah, it feels good to sit through an entire service uninterrupted!
I am going to return to work part time this month, waitressing a couple evenings a week and Saturdays. Jason and I made that decision primarily for financial reasons, but I have to say that the thought of leaving the kids with Daddy three times a week and go do something other than childcare or house-cleaning is sounding better and better :-). I love my kids dearly, but being a stay at home mom has proven to be so much more draining than I ever imagined. I submitted an online application to Mimi's Cafe on Saturday, with the intention of going in on Tuesday to follow up. Slight problem. I have discovered that I am allergic to Almond blossoms and we live right next to acres and acres of Almond trees. After itchy eyes and nose all week, I lost my voice completely yesterday. Today is a bit better, after breaking down and buying some Claritin last night, but I still sound pretty bad. I'm really hoping my voice will clear up in a day or two so that I can go in and follow up on this application. I'm really hoping to get a job with Mimi's Cafe. I've only heard good things about them. They were voted best place to work in the Bay Area in May 2007 and their food is DELICIOUS! Everything is made fresh on site and oh, man! If they weren't so expensive, I'd eat there all the time :-). Oh, and the decor is French. Apparently, the original owner named his restaurant after a woman he fell in love with while stationed in France. The food isn't French, but still :-). Oh, and they tend to hire older, more experienced servers, so I wouldn't have to feel ancient, working with a bunch of college-age kids. I know. I know. I'm starting to sound like the old woman that I am :-).
Well, there is laundry to fold and a kitchen to clean. Until next time!


Mark Armstrong said...

It sounds like you guys are starting to settle in! That's great to hear. Also I'm super glad you found a church you can get plugged into. Having a church family that can really be a family is such a huge difference maker! It helps us to stay focused in our walk with the Lord and provides an avenue for the Lord to use us to encourage and bless others. We have been so refreshed by the people here at Creekside and pray that you guys would experience the same "freshening" where you are.

Anyway, we miss you guys. We'll have to come down and visit sometime... When we find some spare cash :)

The Herring Family said...

Ah, yes. The minor detail of . . . money :). We have budgeted two trips up this year, one over July 4th and one at Christmas. I have to say, though, I was ready to book a ticket up when it sounded like Asher was coming. I sure miss you guys!


Nana said...

I'm so glad you found a good church community to join! All the things you're doing now sound just right - the mom's group (where were those when I needed them!), the library story time, the new church.
I didn't know you suffered from allergies, Becca! Once the almond blooms are done things should settle down. I do hope you can find a nice part-time waitressing job - Mimi's sounds wonderful!
Miss you guys. If it weren't for puppies needing so much care right now I'd be visiting. I'm hoping I can come sometime in May.

Jenn said...

Hey! If you're old, what does that make me? Okay, nevermind. Don't answer that ...