Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cake finale and some pictures

Tonight was the last class in Course One, so here's my finale! I cheated and made it mocha, instead of the white cake it was "supposed" to be :-). Creative license in action (as well as a PMSing woman, lol!). I had to take the pictures tonight because as soon as the kids are in bed, I'm digging in!
Course 2 doesn't have a cake every week, just at the end of the course. So no weekly photos next month, unless I'm feeling creative and start a project of my own :-).
I thought I'd attach some pictures of the kids too, since I'm here and I know you grandparents especially like seeing the little ones.

Finger food night, a great dinner when Daddy is gone :-).

Out of the blue a few days ago, Jp picked up his guitar and asked me to take a picture, so I did. Enjoy!

Oh, btw, Grandpas (that would be Papa and Grandpa Randy), when I asked the kids the other day who their best friend is, Jp instantly said: "Benji!" and Gabby replied: "My grandpas!"


Randy said...

Beautiful cake! Beautiful kids! What a blessed family!

Betty Armstrong said...

Wow, Becca. What a beautiful cake. You have really found your niche.
Love, Mom.

Nana said...

What a gorgeous cake!!! Lots of drool on this keyboard...
I live the pictures of the kids with olive fingers - brings back lots of memories.
James, Benji misses you all the time. We drive by your old house often and Benji wonders out loud what you are doing in California.
Gabby, Papa loves you, too! He misses you plenty.
We sent a package yesterday. I hope you get it Saturday!