Saturday, April 5, 2008

A few changes

Since my last post, a few of my plans have changed. Nothing major. Just life stuff. I didn't end up going job hunting because I was so tired and worn out from everything on Thursday that Jason and I both knew I wouldn't interview well. You know, when you're so tired that the idea of doing anything in the evening makes you want to vomit? Probably not a good time to go get an evening job ;-). I feel much better now, having rested a bit, but I can't job hunt on the weekends and next week Jason is negotiating all week, so he won't be available to watch the kids during the day. I'm going to have to wait one more week. Frustrating, but oh, well. Luckily for us, me working is a way for us to speed up our debt reduction process and not a means of survival, so waiting another couple weeks is not the end of the world.
I noticed today that Michaels is still hiring, or maybe they are hiring again, not sure which. Man, I would love to work there, but it would be really hard not to leave my entire paycheck there, especially now that I've started cake decorating classes. I'm also pretty sure my availability doesn't match what they are looking for, but I think I'll still look into it. Can't hurt, right?
I had my first cake decorating class today! After years of wanting to do this, I finally bit the bullet and signed up. April classes are 1/2 off and May classes are 40% off, so I'm getting quite a deal. I am a little bummed because I'm going to have to forgo my pedicure to buy cake decorating supplies, but since I don't own any sandals, what's the point of a pedicure, right? :-). I am soooo excited to finally be doing this. The teacher is wonderful (a little scatterbrained, but really sweet). She owns her own cake decorating business and teaches for Wilton at the Michaels near our house 6 nights a week. She's able to buy Wilton supplies in bulk and she puts together little kits for her students that we can get at a reduced price. Also, because we are in the class, we get 10% off anything at Michaels. Sweet, huh! I'm kind of kicking myself for picking an expensive hobby though. Why couldn't I decided to pursue, I don't know, writing? or bird watching? The nice thing is, though, that with cake decorating, you really can do it pretty inexpensively if you have to. My prayer is to be content no matter what I have and I'm trying hard to do that. We have really been blessed in so many ways and I'm trying to focus on what we have rather than what we don't. Did I mention we have sunshine here? And that's FREE!!
Oh, one more exciting thing about today. I went to Lowes and got all the supplies for my herb garden. I have a mini greenhouse above the kitchen sink (I'm not sure what the real term is for it. It's a couple shelves that are open toward the kitchen surrounded by glass on all other sides.). I'll take a picture and post it here when I'm all done putting it together. Gabby helped me pick out the plants. We got Rosemary, Basil, Sage, Peppermint, Cilantro, Parsley, Dill and I don't remember what else. Speaking of, I better get off the computer and get to work. Life is calling!


Nana said...

Working at a craft store or a fabric store would leave me with no paycheck, too! Very dangerous places for the checkbook as well!
Cake decorating classes sound like lots of fun, and I bet you'll do well with them. And Becca, all hobbies are expensive - I can't think of a single one that doesn't cost something!
Have fun with your classes - I hope you'll post pictures of cakes you decorate.

Betty Armstrong said...

Who knows, Becca. Maybe your hobby will turn into a job. I hear cake decorators make good money.

I'm glad you found something you like to do.


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