I'm soooo tired this week. It amazes me how much having a break on the weekend makes a difference in my week. Jason was busy with a couple things last weekend, so I never got the weekend break and I'm dragging. Jason is heading out of town Friday through Sunday this weekend to take pictures of Katie's wedding and I've gone into survival mode. You know, when you shut down and start witnessing your life as an outsider. It's kind of funky really, hearing yourself speak as if someone else is doing the talking. Ok. I'll stop before you have me committed :-). Honestly, you single parents truly amaze me. The stamina and patience you have to have is incredible!
Speaking of dragging, I think I'll go watch a movie while the kids are in bed (not napping yet, but a woman can hope).
Naps are manna from Heaven - here's hoping you get one!!!!
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